
Amanddine Van den Berghe joined ClientEarth in September 2018 to work on the intersection between trade and environment. Amandine is in charge of ClientEarth’s trade campaign and is committed to ensure the EU gives priority to public interest considerations and the rule of law in its trade and investment policy.


Amandine Van den Berghe first joined our Brussels office in February 2017 as an intern in the Fisheries team. She then gained experience as a legal assistant at the European Commission before coming back to ClientEarth.


Amandine graduated with a Master’s Degree in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam, where she specialised in Environmental Law. She wrote her Master’s thesis on the role of the EU in the CITES Convention, the convention on international trade in endangered species. She also completed two Bachelor’s Degrees, in Law and Political Sciences, at the University Saint-Louis of Brussels.

The interactions between trade and environment bring their own contextual complexities and challenges; however, they also present ever emerging opportunities to rebalance the scales in favour of the environment. ClientEarth offers the ideal context to pursue my ambition of protecting our planet by using the power of the law in innovative ways.

Amandine is working on